Pick up your Mother's Day flowers and help Middleton Preschool at the same time

This year there will be a greenery stall at Middleton Cheney Preschool’s popular annual event, the Easter Eggstravaganza (spelling as intended!). Taking place on 30 March, the day before Mothering Sunday, you can place orders for flowers for the special women in your life to collect at the fair.

I’m offering colourful jam jar flowers from £15, scented posies from £20, and bouquets in presentation vases from £25 , along with cheerful planted baskets.

To place an order email hellogreenery@gmail.com, stating your name, design and value required and any colour preference and that you’d like to collect at the Eggstravaganza. For all orders made this way, I will donate 10% of sales value to Preschool funds.

Kate Ladd